Landlord from Hell

Jan 15, 2007 15:26

So 5 days ago was the large episode that taught me that I love the Rentals man office and that my Landlord is a Total Dick.

This has been building up for quite a while, the Landlord has not kept up his end of the job, i.e. fixing things or getting them fixed. I have been living without a working door knob for almost 3 months now. It is an invasion of privacy and I am getting really annoyed of shoving a basket full of cloths in front of the door each time I want to make sure that the door won't open.

So I enlisted the help of my Mother, she told me that my Brother had had some problems himself so he wrote a letter to the Landlord stating the jobs that needed to be done in his apartment. I though sure that would work. I called the Rentals man, who are the people to ask if you have any landlord issues and you want to know what you can do as a tenant. I asked them if this was right and how many days the landlord got to get things fixed. The guy who I talked to said that I was in the right and that this shouldn't be a big thing.

I wrote the letter, and got all my house mates to sign it. On Thursday night our Landlord showed up to get a overdue rent check and I gave him the notice. Well you will never guess how he reacted.

When I wrote my letter I made sure not to be threatening, I just wanted it to be informatory. So it was to my great surprise that after handing the paper to the man and him looking over it, rather quickly I might add, he totally went off the handle.

I was expecting a why are you doing this? Guilt trip right or, Ok no problem. But this is what we got.

"So you want to play it this way. Haven't I been leniant. Fine if you want to play it that way we will. You will get a call from my layer tomorrow." He threatened us with his layer twice. Then not letting us get a word in edgewise he storms out of the house.

To say this was unexpected would be a lie, this was totally unphanable. To say the least I and the girl who gave him her check were shaken and our soul male roomate was not please. So the four of us who were at home at the time convened in the Dinning room and had a talk about our options.

And you know no more than 20 minutes later, did our Landlord show up and come back into the house saying 'O thank goodness you haven't left yet.' It was 830 where were we going to go? Anyway he walks into the dinning room and stands at the entrance and starts to tell us that we have no rights as tenants. That this is HIS house and he sets the rules.

A couple of months back when he found out about the cats living in the house he went off the hook and told us that A we had to get rid of the little guys or B we'd have to sign a new lease paying a bigger security deposit. After perusing the lease we found nothing about no pets mentioned, so the issue was dropped.

Anyway he brought back up the cat issue and said again we have seven days to get them out of the house. He continued to say more but I've really forgotten most of it, for I was not confortable with him at that moment looming over us who sat. I noticed more instead that my house mates were agitated and our male friend totally pissed he looked ready to go off on the Landlord.

This time I got to speak and told the Landlord what the paper was for and that there was no legal issued attached to it. I stood up to the guy, next time i see him and he does anything like that I'm screaming fire. He an imposing figure and if he ever acts like that around myself or anyone I know I will not hesitate to call 911 or be ready to defend myself.

Thus the idiot left. There was more talking between us who were at home and we decided to call up his so called brother. Once done which was interesting as the Landlord had flown to his Big Brother for assurance of being in the right, or just to have someone to complain to. Anyway we relayed the situation and what had occurred here. The man to my knowledge was a little reasonable, but he was still a jack ass. Apparently he did not even blink (metaphorically speaking) when he was told that the Landlord, his brothers attitude had badly frightened. Excuse me, but that is called Verbal Abuse. As I've stated calling 911.

The end result that we will not be seeing the Landlord, but he has two more days before he is suppose to have certain parts of the house fixed. I am doubtful that I will have a working doorknob any time soon.

This tale isn't even over yet, as when one of my house mates discovered that our security deposit was not given into the Rentals man office, which I might add is against the law.

And that is what has been going on in my world.
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