I bought the entire Peach Girl series...including the Change of Heart half that im still reading.
I read vol. 1-6 tonight...its an addiction...what a great story tho...i hope she picks Kiley : )
somehow I think maybe its what I read thats made me the way I am. I can't seem to *make myself like someone even tho sometimes I really really wish that I could. I think I've learned to expect too much. I want what the characters in my stories have. I want someone I feel comfortable with and have fun with but also someone intense and passionate and...I want someone who will come play in the rain with me...or in the park...and laugh with me...laugh a lot. *sigh*...
I want too much.
I took a looooong walk in the rain about an hour ago...i love that. I can forget about everything when it rains. It washes everything away, time, people, feelings...everything...and it just feels so good.