Jun 16, 2008 21:17
Woooo, I'm back! =D And you know how I said I was really, really sure they'd have internets? They didn't. =D;;; So while there was no temptation.... jkefnk, what kind of place with computer classes has no internet!? I mean really? *huggles nets*
I've also realized that I'll never be able to move out. I get back and the house is a mess and, I'm being serious, my youngest brother has shaved his eyebrows off. My mom had to draw some on him because he was really creepy looking and it was freaking the rest of us out. o.o
But I named my laptop J.L., or Just Laptop, so that's one thing off my to do list. >.>
Also, I guess it's that time again. Rockman/Megaman 9 rumors? I can't say that I believe them - though I would love to be proven wrong and for it to really come out. Do all we have is this Anonymous Shadow guy's word? I haven't looked into it yet, as I figure it'll all come into the light eventually, but if all we have is that then I'm going to need a little more before I get all hopeful. I'd probably buy into this more if it wasn't Rockman/Megaman (number) and was instead Rockman/Megaman (subtitle). *shrug*