Jul 10, 2007 10:29
Today is the second day of my detox. I am following the Master Cleanse by Steven Burroughs and it is basically a detox of at least 10 days to eliminate toxins and impurities in your body. Mori is doing it as well. We got the idea from my friend's husband who does it twice a year and he's 28, not an old man trying to cure anything. He does it to keep his body healthy and clean. We clean ourselves externally everyday, but rarely clean internally. It takes both external and internal balance to achieve being healthy. I really believe in it and I think it definitely takes one to believe to go through 10 days of no food.
My diet for the 10 days will consist of a salt water mix in the morning to act as a natural cleaning out agent and 10 cups of lemonade for the rest of the day. This Lemonade is made up of fresh squeezed lemon juice, not the bottled kind, grade B organic syrup, cayenne peppers, and purified spring water. I can have mint tea every other day as a "snack" and end the day with Oraganic Senna Leaf Tea, which is a natural laxative. The Lemonade is actually really really good, especially since I like spicy drinks like bloody marys and such, the cayenne pepper adds a bonus kick! The hardest part for me is that salt water rinse. Man, it's hard to swallow lukewarm salt water in the morning, especially 32 oz. of it. Even though the calorie intake is drastically different from before, I feel absolutely no fatigue or exhaustion of any sort. If any thing, I am alert and energetic. Or it can all be in my head.
I will be logging in each day for updates. I weighed myself Monday morning and was 107lbs. Today Morning, I weightd in at 105.5lbs. The loss was probably all water weight. You will definitely lose weight during the process but will gain about 1/2 of it back once you start eating. And the loss is bad fats with toxins that have stored itself in the fat cells overtime. My skin is the same (not glowing yet but I can't wait for that!). Hunger is not a problem b/c I drink all day, but I do crave food when I smell it or see it. Exercise is permitted, but I guess that depends on the individual. I will not run or anything but keep going to my Pilates class like yesterday and do a brisk walk on the treadmill with a high incline. I don't want to get all flabby and soft as I go.
I also booked my ticket to go to London with my Mom and Annie. That's super exciting. And I can't wait to see Juicy.
One more thing, my new favorite musician: DANA LEONG. Please check him out. You will fall in love too.