Yay! I learned how to post images on here!!!! You don't understand how happy I am.
So last Thursday was my company's Christmas party. It started at noon and ended at 4. They rented out a bar on the upper east side called Branch and bused us over there at 12-NOON! Mind you, the destination contained an open bar with top shelf liquors and all you can eat food. With no food in our stomachs, my piscean friend Scherzana and I started our string of dirty martinis. Oh phyllis, it was the best dirty martinis I ever ever had. As a result, I had 5, not including shots and beer. I even social smoked through the whole party because I was soo agreeable to everyone's suggestions. Now, that brought me back to my partying days in Austin big time. By 4 pm, of course I was wasted. So I proceeded to go with 3 other girls from my division (the girls') to the after party at this bar where it was only the Boy's design division. And no, I do not remember much except trying to drink coffee to sober up. When 7 o'clock rolled around, for some reason, I wanted to go home. I remember my co-workers urging me to take a cab home but I insisted on riding the subway home. Somehow, I even managed to buy steak and potatos at the grocery store to cook at home. But I didn't eat that for dinner that day.
Conclusion: I passed out early, puked all night, woke up with the biggest hangover since college, and went to work b/c I didn't want to be the girl that got wasted and couldn't go to work. That would've been really bad.
A group picture of some of most of the people in the Girl's Design Division at my company.
from left to right, Patty (awesome graphic artist), Katherine (my boss), Meredith (my other boss)
Anne-Marie, Me, and my intern/friend Nhoo
I have given my 4 weeks at the company yesterday, and it feels sooooo damn good!