Last Part! Short Story Conclusion!

Sep 14, 2009 15:37

:3 I hope you guys are excited! XD *scared of nonconstructive criticism* This part has everything! (No, not the Arashi song...) Action! Danger! Friendship! Romance? No, not that, I can't write romance worth a...well, you know. ;) Haa~, I think I'll leave this part out of my assignment...Somehow, I don't like how it ends. :/ If anyone has any comments, PLEASE leave them! (I actually haven't gotten any comments on any of the parts...)

Anyway, here's the last part of my story! :3 Enjoy!


We froze at first, trying to listen for the thundering steps of armor-clad guards to run past our sanctuary, but soon impatience won us over. We darted for the open window we had first entered, preparing to glide on the wind over the grounds, past the wall, and into the forest.

If only it were that easy.

We had only brought a single smoke bomb, so distraction was out of the question this time. All we could do was pray our flight would go unnoticed.

That lasted until one of us was hit in the leg. The arrow pierced flesh, flying completely through the leg. Another came whizzing after it. We kept on, knowing if we could make it to the forest, we’d be home free.

Pain. That was all that could be felt. It was the worst where the arrow had hit. Running through the forest was not an option now. The only thought that could pass was a simple, quick prayer for safe passage over the wall before blackness took over.

We barely cleared the wall before collapsing, one from exhaustion, the other from intense pain. After resting a bit and gathering the still-breathing dead weight, the trek back home began. The village elder would not be pleased with our foolish attempt to bring relief to our home. We had failed miserably.

Soon, a clearing came into view, situated beautifully on top of a magnificent overlook. A bright orange sunset painted the sky, the brightest point setting on the horizon. This kind of view was greater than that of any treasure we could even hope to find back in that dark, dreary castle. My partner’s labored breathing had eased into a more rhythmic, deep sleep. Relief came once again, and along with it, certainty that everything would be just fine. The sunset came into focus once again, now a fiery-red hue. Just then, a song sprang to mind. It was often sung at festivals in the fall, but it had not been sung by us since our childhood. It went something like this.

In the midst of these revolving seasons,
What color will the tomorrow we create be?
And if we dare to believe even stronger than before,
What color will our waiting future be?

The thoughts of home brought with them a smile and soothing feelings. The long journey home should be easier now. The sky, now blue-tinted purple, carried with it the calm, comforting veil of night. A cooling breeze flew by, just like we had flown earlier. Now we were bound to the earth, at least until the pain had subsided. The moon, already high in the sky, grinned down on the land. Its smile would provide just enough light to navigate the thin southern forest. With any luck, we would reach a small roadside inn to rest at before continuing tomorrow.

My partner slept on, so I began walking. One step. Two steps. A journey of a thousand begins with one, right? We crossed back into the forest, slowly starting our way back north. What color is our awaiting future? Maybe it will be across the forest. Perhaps it’s waiting in the village. Whatever color it is, we will face that future with experience and wisdom from our adventure today.


...yeah...not much else to say. :) Let me know if you liked it!
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