Fun Post Day

Feb 02, 2011 01:53

Livejournal ranting has always been there for me over the years when crap went to crap :] reminds me that I'm not alone at 1 am before I have a damn panic attack. Hopefully these things go away when I start to return back to normal not broken me.

Okay, recap of the awkward situation that went down at the mall today:

Hailey and Jordan enter mall scene. Walk down hallway past all the Kia cars. Brandyn walks past and Jordan is distracted by someone in striped jammies at the mall and noticed at last second. Face flushing in anger and embarrassment ensues.

Jordan: *meep*
Hailey: What?
Jordan: That's da guy... *anger anger anger*
Jordan: OMG NO! He'll try and talk to me!
********************TIME PASSES**********************

Jordan and Hailey exiting the mall. Ginger woman sitting on couch with flavor of the month/week/day *no idea who he is... cute though*. Jordan waves at said ginger.

Ginger: OMG Jordan HAI!
Jordan: Heeeeey     . . .
Ginger: So whats up how're you *hugs*
Jordan: erm good just a... going to get... cinnamon buns, right hailey?
Hailey: *nod*
Ginger: Oh well we're just going to see a movie
Ginger: OH I should tell you to run before Brandyn sees you
Jordan: Oh ya right yep *leaves*

***************AND SCENE*********************

Turns out he was in the hat store. Which translates to doing a drug deal on mall property. Oh how satisfied I would be if he was sent to jail. He'd probably be getting a lot more of his oh so desired sexual attention.

But from boys....

Not consensually...

In the bum...


In happy fun time news:

This happened

And in other relevant news, this also happened

Okay nevermind this what I'm going to keep posting tonight xD



Oh I have fun.

Night night.

pictures, happy

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