New vid - Justin/Brian - Come On Get Higher

Jan 12, 2019 08:56

Here's another new one, for you faithful QaF fans.

Come On Get Higher
Justin wants Brian. This will involve faith, desire and love.
All seasons, mostly 2-5
Song by Matt Nathanson
Vidder: Wendy

This is not the vid I was planning to make next, at all. I heard this song so many times and dismissed it, probably because I'm always thinking in Brian's POV. When I finally realized this song was Justin's POV, everything just fell into place. I've been wanting to make an all-season Justin POV vid for a long time, but never found the right song until now.

So here you go. Enjoy!

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AO3 post / YouTube Channel

I have more serious vids planned for the future, but I feel like making something funny next. So if you have any silly off-the-wall ridiculous song suggestions, please let me know in the comments.


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