Jul 05, 2008 19:37
OMG!!! Dr Who has gone all FUBAR on me!!!
I'm not going to spoil it for anyone but i hate hate hate HATE what he did to Rose, cos it's not him!!!! ARGH!!!!!
It's not right, it's not fair! And i can't believe that TPTB did this to me! did this to Rose!!! And if anyone wants to talk about it, leave a comment!!! but i really hate it! seriously, if i wasn't this peeved off, i would be crying my eyes out! It's HEARTBREAKING!!!
I wished they left it alone now, like the HYD TPTB that decided to leave the Soujirou/Yuki arc alone!!!
Seriously, the Doctor, never looked so much sexier or more deadly and brutal than in this series finale...
dr who