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Jan 16, 2004 08:03

Could you kick D in the butt? I called him and let him know what was going on and I aim'd him but he was just to fucking busy to comfort a friend.
The funny thing in all that is that Bry honestly thought that D was still his friend..I guess that proves it to me..and sadly him too.
All my life the moment that a friend needed me for any reason I was there to help..even when woken up at 3 am on a week night. D needs to learn that a true friend comes to help when called to action.

so yeah Migraine central since the big news that they don't like Bry. The first night was the night we found out bout Bry's paperwork and I spent most of the night dealing with the nausea by throwing up..not fun..and then yesterday I had tons of stuff to get done..and had to cop out..it sucked..then Bry said that I could take my wonderful drugs and then I was in loopy land but I felt great.. and He got food into me and made me rest then after a while he drove to the glendale ww2 shop that he loves..he sat me down in one of thier comfy chairs..and then after a while we left and got groceries and by the time we got to the cat food isle I had it coming back so we hurried threw it and got home and Bry put me to bed... and here I am with it still there but if I'm good today I think that I can avoid going to the er
So yeah
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