And now, the conclusion to my mini-soap opera

Aug 11, 2007 01:05

So I decided to let the guy down easy. Via e-mail. probably not the classiest thing to do, but at least I knew I could be more articulate that way (and less chicken-shit).

In other news, I'm highly considering the possibility of quitting my job tomorrow so that I can go to the lake with my cousins (who I haven't seen in 5 years). About a month ago, I put in a request to have a very light schedule this week and next so that I could spend time with them. My managers decided to ignore this (citing the fact that we a temporarily understaffed) and scheduled me to work everyday this week except for today. To make matters worse, on Saturday I was forced to work a closing shift (meaning I would be there until well past 11) despite the fact that I had already worked a double and that I had never closed before. That same night, I had a table leave me absolutely no tip for no apparent reason. I was so tired and frustrated that I came home in tears. Then Sunday, I had my first Dine'N'Dash. They were going to write me up for it (one of those "we're not mad at you but we have to document this" sort of things) but the manager whose was going to do it never showed up for work on Monday. Then, to top things off, the air conditioning has been broken the past couple of days, making it damn uncomfortable to wear long sleeves and buttoned up collars. But I could have dealt with all that shit if my cousins weren't in town. I honestly feel like I have a right ot put family first, especially since I will soon be moving away and I have no idea when I might see them all again.
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