Feb 27, 2006 13:20
So...I don't know what i did....
I don't know why i do these things
I'm really confused right now
not sure if that's different then any other time, i'm just more aware of it now....
i feel like i've grown a lot this year
learned a lot
I know who I am right now
I didn't know who i was last semester, and even for part of this semester
but i had my wake up call
and i got it loud and clear
but it might have come too late
i might have lost the thing i now realise i need
and it sucks
and i don't know what to do about it
i don't want to make it worse
but i don't like it like this
maybe the handwriting analysist was right...i don't take enough risks and i don't let people close enough to me to help....