We met them on Thursday and we took them home this morning.
They are ragdoll cats:
http://www.tbrcc.co.uk/So called because they are friendly and love being held and relax and go a bit floppy.
My kittens are both boys, brothers of the same litter. They are 17 weeks old.
They are called Mistou and Crayon. Mistou is a lot smaller than Crayon and is cream coloured with a little grey face, grey ears, grey tail and grey paws. Crayon has a dark brown face, ears and tail, and white mittens. They love eachother very much and curl up together to sleep. Mistou likes to rest his head on Crayon's back.They even groom eachother.
Here are photos of them. They don't do their loveliness justice:
http://uclac.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2079266&l=75e60&id=202904428 They were very nervous this morning but they're a lot happier and more relaxed now and love playing with a feather thing on the end of a stick that I wave around for them. Mistou is naughty and likes chewing on my book on cats. They now seem to enjoy being stroked whilst this morning they would avoid and run away. It's just the new environment that made them nervous I'm sure, as at the breeders they were perfectly happy to be held.
Even though all the books say that you should confine them to one room on the first day and acclimatise them gradually, Mistou appears desperate to explore different rooms. He keeps clawing at the door and will try to rush out if we open the door. As soon as one of us gets up and looks as if we're about to leave he rushes to the door and sits there looking expectant, waiting for his chance.
They are both quite clumsy. The first time Mistou tried to jump on top of the desk he miscalculated and fell. He also fell off the windowsill.
When I bade them goodnight and left, they both parked themselves right by the door and mewled continuously and pathetically until I relented and went to pet them again. At which point they sulked and wouldn't let me stroke them. I love how contrary cats are.