...is Patrick Henry University. where this girl is considered a 'liberal'
Muench, like eighty-five per cent of the students at Patrick Henry, was homeschooled, in her case in rural Idaho...she has hung photographs of the Bushes and the Cheneys on her walls, Elisa tries to read the Bible every day, usually in the morning before working out. She told me that in any other school she’d be considered a true conservative, which is what she considers herself, “but at Patrick Henry I’m more liberal.”...She would have serious discussions about children and insurance before the first kiss. Then, at some point, the boys realized “how much I really loved politics and wanted to be a part of it,” and the prospect of her commitment to a career became a problem...When she tells her father or her old drama teacher that she wants to work at the White House, she does it tentatively, like someone testing out an identity.
I'm sure in certain circles of the school, because she would like to have a job before popping out babies like a fucking bunny, she's considered a 'feminazi'
and this guy is like a fucking poster child for 'Nice Guy'TM
He’d got a perfect 1600 on the S.A.T. but ignored solicitation letters from Yale, Harvard, and Stanford, and the fact that he chose Patrick Henry was seen as a turning point for the school, which was then less than two years old. Du Mée told me, “I considered going to an Ivy League, where I could have been more of a Christian witness”-meaning an example to others who might not share his faith. But he decided that he wanted a school “more edifying to Christ.”...Ross is du Mée’s usual debate partner...They met during freshman orientation, and before they began spending “exclusive time” together, in junior year, du Mée called Ross’s father to tell him. Last year, du Mée asked if he could court her by writing her father an eighteen-page single-spaced letter that began “My name is Matthew du Mée and I was a good kid.”...Ross would look for a job, but only to pay back loans. Eventually, they want to adjust to living on one salary so that she can homeschool their kids. Du Mée would “really, really like to run for political office,” he said. “U.S. Congress would be great.”...The fact that he was homeschooled and keeps a running conversation with Jesus in his head does not seem to him a barrier. “It’s pretty normal,” he said...He told me that he was glad to move on; his view of what’s out there hasn’t changed much since he was choosing a college, and imagined all the people who were waiting to hear his message. “We are all called to be lights out there in this world,” he said, “and I’m looking forward to that.”
So it's normal to have a running conversation with a "diety" in your head? Sweet! I guess we can tell all those schizophrenics who make statements close to that, "sorry we've kept you hospitalized and severly medicated, we were just confused.
Don't even get me started on the president of the school, oh wait too late!
Michael Farris, is a lawyer and minister who has worked for Christian causes for decades. He founded the school after getting requests from two constituencies: homeschooling parents and conservative congressmen. The parents would ask him where they could find a Christian college with a “courtship” atmosphere, meaning one where dating is regulated and subject to parental approval. The congressmen asked him where they could find homeschoolers as interns and staffers, “which I took to be shorthand for ‘someone who shares my values,’...Farris’s manifesto for the school, “The Joshua Generation,” embraces the Rove principle: the “Moses generation,” he wrote, had “left Egypt,” and now it was time for their children to “take the land.” Farris is the author of nine nonfiction books and three novels, all with Christian themes, and in them he warns against “MTV, Internet porn, abortion, homosexuality, greed and accomplished selfishness”; he calls public schools “godless monstrosities.” But students are not expected to avoid the secular world entirely. Farris told them at chapel recently that one day “an Academy Award winner will walk down the aisle to accept his trophy. On his way, he’ll get a cell-phone call; it will be the President, who happens to be his old Patrick Henry roommate, calling to congratulate him.”
Apparently the best leaders of tomorrow are the ones who won't and to some extent can't relate to anyone but white, christian EXTREME conservatives. Best foriegn policy maker's EVAR!
Somebody call me when the insanity is over, I'm going to Canada...or maybe Sweden ((begins looking for a less insane place to live))