Nobody important =P
Anyway a just a quick lil entry, I tried Bowling on Staurday night. Ew. Thats my entire view on it. I do not do well at it, in fact my entire score was a 14 >.< I just have issues with tweaking a posture that took me forever to learn. ^^; My Fiance enjoyed himself though, and I derived much enjoyment from seeing him happy. Too bad I didn't bring my sketchbook though ^^;
Well I have new editions to me herd o ponies:
A Hollywood with wings and comb from my Fiance for our Aniversary <---- I have so been wanting this girl forever!
Princess Sparkle with Accessories.
Cloud Puff <--- 2 other flutters in the lot but I didn't need them
I'm quite excited to get them! Surprisingly enough I'm almost finished with my G1 collection, it makes me happy and lightheaded. I'll prolly still collect some of them here and there, but I admit to falling in love with the G3's. ^^;
Art, I've actually been doing some! Amazing ne? I got caught up on all the sketchbook passarounds that were in my possession: Cardinal Melodies, ManateeJaq's, and Shivers. Man do I feel bloody well outclassed. o.O; It almost makes me want to unsign myself form the third on I've signed on for.
But here are my new pics:
Seamist the seapony This was my entry for ManateeJaq's sketchbook. She's also by far and away my favourite seapony. She's just so classy looking. Someday I'd like to buy her with her shell. I also made this girl into a T-shirt, why because I am a pony addict of course and feel the entire world should know. =)
A Seapony My entry for Cardinal Melody, I just didn't want to muss her personal pony. ^^; I like this one and I don't. Not a whole lot more to say on this one.
Ascenscion My contribution to Shiver's sketchbook. I'm rather fond of her. She's a custom pony that I'm contemplating turing into an actual custom. I think she'd be pretty nifty IRL.
Last but not least is my 'start' on Silver's human.
I really like how she's turning out. I did some different things with the shading and I'm quite please.
Suggestions for a background are appreciated!
Well I think that's all I've been up to. I know I'm excited about there only being 5 more classes till the end of the semester! YEA!