For those who don't know, the American Medical Association is attempting to pass a resolution that will essentially outlaw homebirths. The complete violation of indivual rights aside, this is a terrible decision for a majority of reasons.
With healthcare costs soaring, homebirths are an economical way for women to be able to deliver their child. Even women with no insurance can afford the care of a midwife. Most charge between $3,000 and $5,000 for prenatal care and delivery. Many midwives offer a sliding scale or reasonable payment plans in an effort to offer superior care to all women and their babies, regardless of ability to pay.
Homebirths are also safer than hospital births for a woman having a normal, low risk pregnancy. Study after study has been done to prove this fact. Countries in Europe have lower infant and maternal mortality rates than the USA, in spite of the fact that the USA has better healthcare. The difference between Europe and the USA is Europe views pregnancy and childbirth as a natural part of life. The USA views it as a serious medical condition requiring plenty of interventions and hospitalization. The more medical interventions, the more likely something can go wrong. And, let's face it, people don't go to the hospital because they're feeling well. Sick people go to hospitals therefore infections can easily be spread between patients.
If you are a woman or love a woman, please support the
Citizens for Midwifery in their effort to stop this resolution from being passed. Women do not need to be made criminals for asserting their rights by choosing to have a cost effective and safe birth at home! Pass the word along, too. This is a clear attack by doctors against women and midwives. A definitive message needs to be sent to show them that this sort of affront won't be tolerated.