Ok, here's an
article written by Naomi Klein entitled "Disowned by the Ownership Society." It's a stupid article. Seriously, I wouldn't read the whole thing if you value your sanity. But...if you don't mind the pain and discomfort that comes from reading an article written by a woman who clearly lacks the native intelligence to do simple math or understand what the word average means, then enjoy.
Here's what makes me just laugh my freakin' head off. Mz Klein here says, "Even in the wealthy United States, most people earn less than the average income." That odd, Renfieldian laughter you hear is me, just for the record. And if you can't figure out why what she said is stupid, then you are not smart enough to be allowed near sharp objects or voting booths.
How the hell does a woman who can't understand middle school math get to become a respected intellectual? Are there people who read that and go "you know, she's right! Oh my gosh! Bushiltercheneyburton must have done this to those poor people! OOOOH NOOOOOO!!"