Why I Should Stop Talking To Authors

Jan 03, 2008 08:12

I love Ralph Hayes' comics. I find them amusing and refreshing. His sense of humor comes across in those as mischievous and basically kind-hearted. But in conversation...well, not so much. I love his comics, and I love hanging out in his forum. But his blog sometimes makes me want to smack him.

This post is a screed I've seen repeatedly.

I can understand this anger to a point, because I've done that. I was a teenager, but I've done it. What irritated me so much about this being posted by RH in particular is that he is constantly complaining about men not being real men and women not being womanly. Ok, fine. I can get behind that. But his vision of women includes so much anger at them. And everything wrong with the world seems to be our fault. *sigh*

It pissed me off, so I responded just a little strongly. (Ok, I got bitchy.) See this.

But I think my point holds true: it is not "nice," "decent" or "respectful" to pull a bait & switch. It's dishonest and cowardly. I tried repeatedly to go back and make it clear that I am not talking about friends who realized they felt a little more strongly than just as friends. I was specifically pissed off and talking about men who play the "I'm going to pretend I want to be her friend so she'll fall in love with me" game. I guess I didn't make it clear enough. Or he just got pissed and didn't read other comments. You can scroll down to see his response. I give up.

This irritates me SO much because you cannot be a nice guy while simultaneously insulting all women. You cannot also claim to be a nice guy if you're lying to the woman you claim to love. It doesn't work. I also find it a little obnoxious that so many of these men think they're such great catches that if they treat a woman with respect due to any fellow human being, that's enough to make her fall in love with them.

I've seen guy after guy bitch and moan about how women never go for the nice guy. They never want the nice guy. They're all bitches and they can't appreciate us nice guys. They deserve the jerks who beat them and are mean to them. Because they don't like nice guys.

Someone PLEASE explain to me how such a screed is defined as "nice."


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