(no subject)

Sep 05, 2008 13:38

You and I both have a fixation upon the dash. You are being jilted by the dash because it is eloping with me, but the ellipse could use some lovin', and you seem to have an thing for the semi-colon. And now I am talking like a crazy person, because obviously there is no such thing as too many dashes."

Jackie: *very seriously* Well usually people who rape children don't jump out of trees.

-"Roxas found himself wondering idly if they stuffed students into drawers for misbehavior."
-Roxas from Alkalinity, chapter 1

-"If you have any questions, bother someone else with them. Unless you kill someone - in which case you may have candy - I don’t want to see you in my office again."
-Xemnas from Alkalinity, chapter 1

"Roxas was known to the majority of the student body by the name the principal occasionally spoke over the PA system in a tired and defeated kind of voice. He had long since given up on saying anything aside from the name. The name itself was synonymous with the words 'please come to the principal's office immediately'.
Someone had a black eye. Roxas. Shaving cream topping the school lunch's strawberry shortcake dessert. Roxas. Fire alarm. Roxas. Confiscated skateboard on a teacher's desk. Roxas. Vice-principal's car decorated with glow-in-the-dark bunches of helium-filled condoms. Roxas. Weed-killer-dead grass in the shape of a smiley face with its tongue sticking out on the football field. Roxas."
-Roxas from Boys, chapter 2

-"Early to rise and early to bed, makes a man healthy but his social life dead."
-Roxas from Boys, chapter 4

-"I even got a bumper sticker to prove it. It's right between 'My Kid Beat Up Your Honor Student' and 'Visualize Whirled Peas'."
-Riku's Father from Boys, chapter 4

x-posted to quotingfanfic

me: jackieisms, me: a life, me: collection of quotes, me: quotingfanfic crossposts

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