NWNB Chapter 5, page 29

Aug 12, 2008 15:48

Title: Nothing is Whole and Nothing is Broken
Genre: Kingdom Hearts (fancomic)
Rating: PG14
Pairings: Axel/Roxas, Zexion/Demyx, Xemnas/Saix, etc.
Summary: The story of Roxas and Axel, starting from Roxas's birth. This story is also the story of Rojar and Elliot, the reincarnations of Roxas and Axel. Hilarity, drama, angst, and insanity ensues. Enjoy.

Instructions: Click on the preview to go to the dA submission, then click on the image to make it bigger.

previous pages

( Chapter 5: Endings and Beginnings )

( Page 29: I don't break toys, Axel--I just play with them. I'm not dumb. )

x-posted: kingdom_hearts, axelxroxas

kh: nwnb, art: comics, rating: pg14, kh: axel/roxas, fanfic: kingdom hearts, kh: nwnb-verse

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