quotes from fanfics and college dinnertime

May 01, 2008 19:02

-"I ate heaven today and it was delicious."
-my college friend, Tara


-"Sirius is making a list.

The list is entitled "Why I deeply suspect I drank too much firewhisky last night, and quite possibly was hit by an Obliviating spell"
The first item on the list is:

1. I am making a list."
-Sirius from Logical Deduction

-"But then he sits back at the table with a neutral expression and says with a feigned air of indifference, “If you become a father before you graduate Hogwarts, I’ll save Potter the trouble and castrate you myself.” Scorpius thinks it is his father’s unique way of giving their relationship his blessing."
- Draco and Scorpius from 20 Random Facts About Scorpius Malfoy

-"Sirius had suddenly spluttered I think I might possibly love you. If that's acceptable. To you. Is it? over a breakfast of fried eggs and toast."
- Sirius from Scene of a Perfect Crime

me: a life, me: college days, me: collection of quotes, me: quotingfanfic crossposts

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