Strum a Melody for Me: chapter 4

Jan 16, 2008 23:16

Title: Strum a Melody for Me
Pairings: Zexion/Demyx, Axel/Roxas, Larxene/Marluxia.. (more to come)
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG14
Warnings: Language, Mild Violence, BL, Intelligence mixed with Insanity
Chapter: 4

Summary: Zexion Ishida has a lot of problems. First of all, he’s got a paper due tomorrow… he lost his hearing at the age of ten, changed highschools when he was sixteen, and became college roommates with Demyx when he was eighteen. Wait… why is that last one a problem? An AU Zemyx Fanfic from Zexion’s point of view.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Zexion, Demyx or anyone else… as much as I wish I did sometimes.

Chapter 4 “Gay Boyfriend”

“I’m tired of boys who make me cry, they cheat on me and they tell me lies. I want a love who’ll never stray, when he sees other girls he looks away. And if he never kisses me, well that’s alright, because we can just cuddle all night. Gay boyfriend! Gay boyfriend! I don’t really care that you are queer.”
- “Gay Boyfriend” by The Hazzards

I had hoped to get some real sleep tonight.


Apparently that was quickly fading dream.

I stared at the blonde from underneath my pillow, my blanket creating a barrier between myself and the mullet-Mohawk lovechild. Demyx apparently had figured out that screaming in my ears wouldn’t ever wake me up, and so I had been shaken awake into a full-fledge panic. I had managed to get control of myself before I spazzed too much, but Demyx was still staring at me with slight fear- something that made my chest twist painfully. I didn’t mean to make him afraid of me.

“Zex-iiiiii-on, pleeeeeeease?” The musician jutted out his bottom lip into a pout. Apparently fear didn’t stop him from imploring me.

I had opened my mouth, but had forgotten what I was going to say, “er… What?”

The pout grew and his mouth had my full attention as his lips moved to form words, “You’ve gotta leave, ‘cause Axel’s going to be here and he’s all upset! He hates when others see him upset! If you’re here, he’ll leave and I’ll never get a chance to make him feel better!”

I licked my lips and tore my vision from his face. “What am I? Extra baggage?” I muttered before I could stop myself. My eyes grew wide, I hadn’t slipped like that for a long time. I never said things before I had thought them out… What is going on with me?

My eyes snapped to Demyx’s lips as he spoke, “WHAT?! No! No, I didn’t mean it like that! I’m sorry! Axel just- I can just explain to him- I’m sorry! I-”

I waved my hand to get him to stop rambling, “No, it’s fine. I shouldn’t say things like that. I know you’re just trying to help him.” I stated flatly, still mentally beating myself up for making such a Freudian slip. “I’ll leave… just let me get dressed.”

The blonde’s face lit up in delight. I would have smiled back, if he hadn’t taken that moment to jerk my covers off and demand I hurry because “Axel will be here any minute, and I told him you were out!” I sighed and shuffled over to my closet, hugging my arms to my small frame to keep what was left of my sleepy warmth with me.

I had started to change in my closet when I felt a vibration from the wall of my closet that was near the door. Someone was knocking. Demyx began to freak out and danced back and forth trying to figure out whether to answer the door or not. Finally he dashed over to the closet and slammed the door on me. “Please? I’m sorry.” And with that he bolted to the door, just in time when the second, more frustrated, knocking began, and jerked it open.

I blinked, my shirt trapping my arms to my sides and still in my pajama pants that had little gray fish all over them. I guess I’m stuck here… May as well figure out what Axel has Demyx all upset about. I didn’t particularly care that Axel was upset, but that Axel was making Demyx upset. Either way, I couldn’t really do anything until Demyx let me out… the closet didn’t have a doorknob on this side, just slits which I could see through. So, I pulled my shirt on the rest of the way and kneeled down to peer out of the slits.

Axel was standing with Demyx’s arms wrapped around him- that set off a protective spark within me. Who was Axel to even touch MY Demyx?! I felt my cheeks flush and burn at that, I mean... My.. roommate… Didn’t I? I frowned and shifted my position so I could see their faces.

I couldn’t see what Demyx was saying, but he was brushing back the firey hair and looked to be comforting the other boy. Once I could clearly see Axel, I felt vaguely bad at my reaction: He did look pretty upset.

Although I couldn’t see Demyx’s face very well, I could see Axel’s quite clearly, with his usually violently green eyes dulled and red around the edges like he’d been rubbing them far too much. His mouth was pulled down into a depressing scowl that seemed to be angered more at himself then anything outside. Axel nodded his head and looked down, “I- I just thought… You know I should just give up even trying to think anymore… it just doesn’t work… I thought that he might just… I screwed up. Bad. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss him.” Under his flame-like hair, his face just collapsed, as if the ever-raging fire on top of his head had burnt out the rest of him finally.

Demyx laid his head against Axel’s chest as he hugged him closely. Although that made me clench my jaw in sudden strange emotion, I was grateful that I could see Demyx’s face now. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Axe. I don’t think Roxas would ever hate you for such a thing. He was probably just surprised, that’s all.” He was trying really hard to comfort the burnt out flame…

“Surprised people don’t threaten to kill you for an act of passion.” But the firey boy was making it hard.

Demyx’s eyes suddenly locked with mine, he knew I was watching, and he smiled ever so slightly, but Axel didn’t see. “Sure they do. Just because people freak out and run away, doesn’t mean that they don’t like you,” His smile faltered here, his eyes trailing from mine as if unsure, but his lips didn’t show any tremble in his voice, “It just means that they need time to get used to you.” Demyx pulled a bit away from Axel and patted the redhead’s pale cheek. “Give it time and stop pushing him. I’m sure Roxas loves you back.”

Axel’s eyes grew wide and he sputtered, “Lo-love?!”

Demyx’s grin only grew in that secret way that I had learned meant he wasn’t going to tell you anything. “Sure, why not? Now let’s go get you some of that ice cream Roxas likes so you can go kiss and make up… Probably not in that order, but we can be optimistic!”

Demyx grabbed the stunned redhead’s arm and led him from the room, not bothering to shut the down behind them.

“… Crap.” I scowled. It was just like Demyx to forget that the closet didn’t have a knob on the inside…


I had been sitting in my own closet for nearly an hour now. The good part was that it was a weekend, so I wouldn’t miss classes… The bad part was that it was a weekend and I didn’t have any clue when Demyx would be coming back.

A familiar blonde head popped into through the door, antenna bouncing in all their impossibly gelled fashion. What is Larxene doing in MY room? I watched her as she wandered back and forth on my side of the room, shuffling through a few of my papers and opening the drawers of my desk.

“You know, if you’re looking for that black mail photo of you from the Pancake Incident, you’re completely cold.”

Larxene’s head bobbed up with wide eyes, her gelled antenna bouncing, giving her one of the silliest looks I’ve ever seen on the girl. If only I had my camera, I lamented. She was scanning the room, as if I would suddenly pop out of the piggy bank on the window sill or something. She stopped at the closet and stared.

“The closet is talking to me…” she muttered seemingly to herself.

“Did you swipe some of Xigbar’s crack or something?” I peered at her through the door’s silts, watching her startled expression fade, being replaced with a highly amused one.


“Thanks Larxene for getting me out.” I muttered as I adjusted my headphones. They were the large bulky kind that I could wear around my neck and still look cool, if I wanted to anyway. We were on main campus now, far away from spell-casting roommates and one-sided closet doors.

The violent blonde snorted in laughter beside me once more, unable to keep it to herself once again.

“… It’s not THAT funny.” I grumbled.

“Sure it is! Your roommate locked you in a closet! In a CLOSET! Haha! And you know, you didn’t even change out of your PJs. Nice fish, by the way.” Larxene doubled over in laughter again and I scowled, grumbling to myself and tugging on my fishy pajama pants. I probably wouldn’t live this down anytime soon.

Just to get back at her (I suppose her sadistic nature rubs off after awhile), I decided to bring up a dangerous topic, with a fakely large grin. “So! Speaking of closets, how are you and Marly doing?”

She turned and glared with all the venom needed to turn the building behind me to dust (I’m told later that that same building was discovered to have major internal damage later that year, when it had been perfectly fine the year before). “Marly and I are finished.” She growled, but a flash of depression came over her eyes for a moment. “I found him bedding one of the TAs in our Chem Lab…”

“Vexen?” I stated, only as a question for her sake.

“…Yea, the fruity bastard had been cheating on me the whole time. I found out he was only using me so people wouldn’t think he was gay- when it’s SO obvious he is… So I helped him along with un-closeting himself…” A rather evil smirk spread across her face as she gestured upwards.

We were walking through main campus now and I had been wondering why a bunch of students were milling around whispering and giggling- or looking horrified… Now I knew why.

It was large, and it was very pink. Neon pink, if you can imagine, and on it was the words: “Marly-poo is as gay as a fruitcup without the cup,” and had a recent photo of him up right under the words.

I snorted. From Larxene, this was light. Marluxia was getting away with all his limbs attached. I suppose she had actually enjoyed the relationship, regardless of its end. Maybe she’ll be friends with him too, then I won’t be the only one to deal with her insanity, I smirked to myself.

I glanced back at her. She was admiring her work and watching the people gather under the banner. “Isn’t it just lovely?” She grinned not unlike the Cheshire cat.

I let myself give a laugh. It was hollow to me to laugh out loud like that though, as I couldn’t even pretend to hear my own amusement in it. “Of course, Larxy.” I said, making sure my voice was dripping with sarcasm just to annoy her.


Demyx had apologized intensely when I had told him how Larxene had to rescue me from the closet. He promised to make it up to me. I wasn’t sure what he meant but if he felt he needed to then who was I to tell him no?

I was, however, subject to an hour long rant on how Axel was being silly and how Roxas needs to read some romantic novels or something because the two of them were completely hopeless. I wasn’t really paying close attention but made sure to keep the crazy blonde in my sight incase he paused and I was expected to supply a muttering agreement of some kind. I think he said that the flamely redhead had managed to get back on good terms with his crush, but that the little Roxas boy had demanded that the boy-named-after-a-car-part be his slave for a week to make up for the kissing thing.

From the parse amount I had heard of this crushee of Axel’s, I could tell that he would make a good debate partner. I found out later the next day that apparently the two of us actually shared many classes even, which I only found out because of the redhead’s annoying presence.

“Axel, fetch my binder. I left it in the General Surgeon’s hall with Mrs. Dualism.” The small blonde stated bluntly. The referenced redhead opened his mouth to respond, towering over the other boy, but a piercing glare from the short blonde’s powerfully blue eyes shut the taller boy right up.

The firehead wandered off from the path, muttering about a crazy fangirling professor who constantly made him stand up and sing for the whole class.

“Whapish.” I articulated flatly with a snort, as I wandered up beside the blonde, not bothering to make the usual whipping gesture that went along with the sound. Roxas turned and eyed me with one of his large blue eyes, narrowing them slightly before smirking.

“Demmy told you then?”

“Of course. He’s my roommate.”

“Ah. You’re the one then.” He raised a blonde brow and his eyes swept over me, as if calculating if planning my death already.

I didn’t flinch and returned the look. “Been friends with Dem long?” I tilted my head and appraised him down the length of my nose.

Roxas broke away first, with an amused snort, “Okay, okay. I get it. I won’t touch the mullethead.”

I narrowed my eyes, wondering exactly what the blonde meant by that, “You didn’t answer my question.”

Sticking his hands in his pockets and falling back into a relaxed pose that was similar to a snake in that he still seemed very able to strike at any moment. “We met through Axel. Demyx and Axel went to highschool together.”

I nodded, recoiling my harsh manner the same as Roxas and adjusted my headphones before leaning on the back of a bench nearby into a relaxed pose instead. “You and Axel are close.” I watched the shorter blonde for a reaction.

However, I didn’t get a chance to see any response as fate took that moment to throw Axel back at us. The redhead plopped the binder on top of Roxas’s head, which the blonde snatched away with a glare at the firey teen. Axel’s response to the poisonous glare was to ruffle the already very messy blonde hair that covered Roxas’s scalp and pinch one of his baby-fat cheeks.

I smirked and walked along beside the two as they bickered waiting until Roxas finally remembered I was there and jabbed Axel to say “hi” too.

Axel frowned at me nervously and did as the blonde wanted, to which I just laughed. “What class do you have next, Roxas?”

Roxas scowled, “English.” He spit the word like a curse. I raised a brow and watched the scene unfolding as Axel dipped in front of me (I guess he didn’t like anyone stealing shortie’s attention) and his mane of hair blocked my sight for a moment until I took a quick sidestep.

Axel was grinning insanely and I had only caught the end of Roxas’s statement “-summer homework.”

As we walked into the building I saw the redhead’s forest fire eyes suddenly narrow and his lips curl in secret amusement. I soon found out what he was planning. “Well,” Axel placed a hand on his hip and supported his weight against the wall with the other, crossing one leg in the air in a rather silly pose, “if you don’t want to go to English then you don’t have to go.”

Roxas turned and stared at the firey teen with an odd expression twisted across his face “What do you-”

Axel took that moment to pull the fire alarm, and immediately flashing lights when off all over the place. I noticed the flinch that ran through Roxas’s face as the sirens must have started too. I played along and pressed my headphones more tight to my ears with both hands, letting my face fall into a frown as I followed Roxas and Axel out of the building.

Once outside, Roxas launched himself at Axel, gripping the taller boy by the neckline of his shirt and dragging him down to the blonde’s shorter height. “WHAT THE HELL, AXEL!?”

Axel, on the other hand, still had a silly grin spread across his face even with certain death glaring at him. “Thought you didn’t want to go to class, blondie.”

“Yea, but you’re going to get us both in so much trouble for this!” Roxas had his teeth clenched together, which made some of his words harder to read, but it was obvious what the message was.

The redhead just laughed, “You know you love it. You just hate that you didn’t think of it yourself so you could have ordered me to do it.”

Rage suddenly drained from Roxas’s face, but he quickly twisted it back into a mock of anger as he shoved Axel away and turned towards me. I barely managed to glimpse a twitching smirk on the short blonde’s lips before he stormed off.

Axel rubbed the back of his head and glanced at me. “Heh… He’s a piece of work.” The firey teen muttered nervously as if that explained everything. He obviously still didn’t know what to make of me and my horribly scarred face.

I raised a brow at him and sneered, “Maybe you shouldn’t have done that with so many witnesses. Someone might tell.”

“What do you mean? There was only me, Roxy, and…” Axel paused slightly “…you. …Crap.” He dropped his hand from his hair and stared at me with wide green eyes. “Zexion, you wouldn’t.” His fire-truck red brows knit together.

I shrugged innocently and gestured toward Roxas’s retreating form, “Aren’t you still his slave for the day?”

“Shit!” Axel took off at a bolt like a burning arrow shot out of good bow.

I just chuckled to myself and planned. Yes.


The mail office was located at a rather inconvenient spot. We had to travel through the whole campus, across a field, and down several flights of stairs to locate our tiny mail slots, which were barely big enough for letters, none the less a package… and packages had to be picked up at a special window that was only open in the small time period of 8 to 3pm. Receiving mail was a hard thing to manage.

Thankfully there was a bright blue mailbox at the corner of the street our dorm was on that made it insanely easy to drop off mail.

With my letter, stamped and sealed, ready to go, in my hand, I approached the shiny blue mailbox, which had “U.S. Mail Only” lettered in white along the front. Noting that there was a backpack set beside it, I vaguely wondered who might have left it there as I opened the slot to drop my letter inside.

Movement caught my eye and dragged my sight down to a mouth drawn into a pout.

“Hello?” A pair of huge blue eyes stared at me pleadingly from inside the mail slot. Opening it further I managed a glimpse of crazy brown hair and some sort of red jumpsuit. “Can you help me out of here? Please?”

I dropped my letter in and shut the mail slot, then proceeded to walk away.

A silver haired boy ran up to me frantic with worry. “Have you seen Sora anywhere?!”

I blinked, my headphones slipping a little with the force that the boy had grabbed and shook my shoulders. I could feel my breathing hitch and quickly said, “Sure. He’s in there.” I gestured with my thumb backwards at the blue mailbox, assuming someone this insane had to be looking for someone equally insane.

“Thanks.” The silver haired boy let go of my shirt and bolted to the mailbox.

And so I carried on my merry way. What a lovely day.


kh: zexion/demyx, fanfic, fic: strum a melody for me, kh: zexioncentric, kh: au, kh: axel/roxas

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