*groan* My mother bought a coffee table book about the disengagement.
Yes, it was bad. No, harping a year later is unnecessary.
She's sort of like Adi, in the sense that they're both sure they're absolutely right. No matter what you say, if you have a different opinion, you must be wrong.
Last night was the first time I remember crying in a dream. I dreamed that my mother had died of cancer. It was...scary. She came back, only to tell me that she'd be gone again soon. Creepy.
I went to a photography workshop this morning, and it was freakin' awesome (as
bentzthekiller can attest). We had a darkroom and everything!
Little Women is almost cast. We're missing a Brooke and a Bhaer. Soon...soon.
And Lev should be calling me right...about...now.