(no subject)

May 14, 2007 17:15

It's a sure sign that you love someone... when they manage to piss you off much more than anyone else ever could.
I'm sure he's just having a bad day... but jeez, that hasn't happened in a while.

I think I was having a good day... I thought.
But it seems that everything's just tumbling down and falling apart.

I realised tonight that I need to let go of Off The Street. It's time. It's my baby and it hurts and I feel like I'm betraying someone, but every mom needs to let go at some point. Three terrific summers have taken their toll. I can produce and direct, sure, but I need a bit of backing, emotional and finnancial. I can't go at it alone.
And as of now, that's what I'm at.
I can do a small show at that rate. But now way what's expected of me.
It's just too much now.

I'll say right now (and this is totally unrealted), I DESPISE the typical artist mentality. You know the one. The "I'm an artist - I know better than you, don't deny it, I studied" one. I'll quote the bag lady on this one: Mother fuckin' artists...
I don't care if the cinema's not about favors. You owe someone, even if they just paid you a favor, YOU PAY BACK.

Aaaaaaand... fucking pain.

Whatever. I don't really feel like articulating anymore.

I've been studying Citizenship all week long, so I could give you a sophisticated answer... But that would be so unlike me. A big part of my life, accepting all, understanding that everyone's entitled to an opinion... All that jazz.

Poogy (aka Kaveret)
Famous Israeli rock band of the 70's, famous for their hilarious songs and sketches.

Cardboard Props
A phrase originated by Roundhouse fans, refering to the... well, cardboard props used on the show.
And, of course, the whole penny-pinching theatre aspect.

Pictured is a very young Stephen Sondheim. The quote is from the song "Pretty Women" from Sweeney Todd.
"Proof of heaven as you're living..."
And he is.

GENIUS. This is from a scene in Sondheim's Sunday in the Park with George. The scene: Two american tourists in France, trying to find their way. They approach a boatman, trying desperately to get their request across, sign language and all. He points off into the distance and tells them, "Why don't you... just... walk into the water till your lungs fill up and you die?"

Once again, the Donna Lynne. In another one of her hilarious stories she tells about her stalking of the actor Brian D'arcy James, whom she had a crush on at one point. And... squeeing ensues.
"Hey, Brian D'arcy James - I also have three names!!"

Interests/Icons meme from

memes, off the street, sad, nathaniel

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