Jan 04, 2007 00:34
Because I am almost 17.
I'm attracted to girls.
I'm attracted to boys too, but maybe not as much.
Still, I am.
Like everyone else, I get the warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you really like someone, be they male or female.
I'd love to kiss someone, be they a boy or a girl.
I'd like to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend.
I find myself flirting with and liking boys and girls equally.
But the thought of sex with a guy scares me beyond reason. Scares me as in it's something I really don't want to go through. At all.
Maybe it's emotional trauma.
And no, this isn't a hint, nothing is happening.
It's just something I've been thinking about.
What on earth that makes me, I have no idea. Bi-but-maybe-not-exactly-sort-of-maybe...
There's a reason I hate labels.