Sep 29, 2006 01:06
Damn. I hate my mouse. It clicks "back" by mistake...constantly. When I don't want it to.
Like right now...when I'd just finished typing a post.
So, in short...
I got an army call-up on Tuesday. Joy.
When the pain meds started to kick in at the ER, I turned to my mom and said, "Pain?? I could run a MARATHON!!"
Ah, DLC...
I had a visit from some schoolmates today, but as they say here, it just "wasn't it." It takes a hospital to get people to wake up. If I had the flu at home, I wouldn't even expect a phone call. What can you do...?
Part of me really hopes I lost some weight during that three-day fast.
I've started keeping track of my text messages in a notebook. So far, the record for most sent is...Yuval. Surprise, surprise...
Appropos text messages, I got a most lovely one from Netan'el this afternoon (who, by the way, just spent over an hour with me on the phone):
"U made my day...Don't know how but u did :)"
That just made me feel so good inside...
I've been...mothering cast members today. It's been amusing.
My mother has vetoed dying the hair. We're going to a lovely wig shop on Tuesday...
Sure, I'm a little pissed, but I'm not going to fight it.
It's not worth it.
...and I don't have the energy.
I have an arsenal of chocolate. Mmm...
Hallevai I'd have a digestive system to tolerate it. Soon, soon...
Looking at all this, it seems I've had a full day.
nothing could be further than the truth.
I feel like crap. I've been lying on the couch all day, doing pretty much nothing. Only now did I have the concentration skills required to sit down and stare at a TV screen ("Watching House after being admitted to the hospital??" Hey, at least there they come up with a diagnosis by the end of the show...). I spent many hours reading a page or two, getting rid of the book, reading another page, dropping it. The only thing I've really been able to do is talk. People calling have been a relief. Blech, no concentration.