I'm alive!

Sep 27, 2006 08:50

I'm writing this from the "Starlight" room in Schneider Childrens' Hospital.

I've been hospitalized. Yep.

Yesterday I woke up with insane abdominal\back pain, so much so that it woke me up at 6:15, and I had to call my mother on her cell phone to help me. I couldn't get out of bed.

12 hours later, having sat in the ER, gotten bajillions of tests, walking from hospital to hospital, department to department, getting an IV stuck in me with "loopy loopy pain killers", I was admitted to the surgery ward because of a possibility of apen appende appendicitis?
You know what I mean.

Anyroad, after a fast of about three days (+ a liquids drip), I seem to be all right. If I'm lucky, they'll let me out tonight.

Everyone's been so wonderful to me, from Yuval staying on the phone with me at 6:00 AM when it all started, to Netan'el telling me to call whenever I want because he got permission from his teacher to answer my calls, to Bar-Chen organizing a ride for people to come and visit me, to Keren and Adi calling to make sure I'm all right, to Galit and my Counsellor checking in on me, to my mom...for everything.

I'll update later with all kinds of funny things that happened along the way. I just wanted to let you all know how I'm doing. Scratch that, that I'm actually sick. :P

And now Yuval's trying to organize a visit. :)

maladies, friends

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