My mother is crazy. I need to get out of the house.
I can never do anything right. I'm the fucking oldest, and therefore must be perfect.
"Oh, I never said perfect." No, but if my home participation is anything short of, I get the riot act.
My mother has this EXTREMELY IRRITATING HABIT of dragging stupid things into a conversation, even when they have nothing to do with ANYTHING. Do you have any idea how insane it is to try and discuss something rationally when the other party refuses to be logical and stay on freaking subject?!?!
That, and when she interrupts me, and later interupts me. And refuses to admit she's done it.
She comes home in the late afternoon, and thinks she can take stuff out on me!!
hobbitgwen, you're a lucky girl.
Oh, and what kind of a lousy summer vacation is this?! In bed by 8:30? WTF?
At least I have The Donna to make me laugh. This woman is sheer awesome wrapped up in an accordion.