
Apr 20, 2009 17:00

Yo guys :)

I'm hardly ever on here now, I tend to frequent Facebook more. If there is anyone on my friends list that I don't already have on Facebook and you would like me to add you as a friend, please let me know either your email or name, and perhaps a description of your profile pic? (You've no idea how many people I've tried to add via their name, and I get LOTS of hits and can't tell via the pic who it is.) I've tried to screen the comments so only I can see them. I haven't done that before, I hope I have it right!

Otherwise, the band is going well (we did some more recording yesterday), this Friday we have a gig and on Sunday we are filming a video clip (to which I have to run to straight after a gig with my quartet. Aie.) I love my motorbike and would ride every damn day if it were possible. In October of this year I am going to be an aunt (!!!) and my sister is now back from her deployment. 2 weeks ago I managed to complete my goal of doing the Herald Sun Run For the Kids 14.1km course without walking any of it, and I haven't run since. I need to get back into it, and it's gonna HURT. The best man from Jamie and my wedding and his girlfriend are out at the moment from England, and on Wednesday night I am having dinner with a group of girls I haven't seen since leaving school.

Yah, a very exciting time!

And I desperately need to have a shower. I was doing my volunteer role at the RSPCA today, and a gorgeous 12 week old Staffy X walked all over me whilst I was trying to clean her cage. After she stepped in her own poo.
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