Aug 05, 2009 06:11
Ok, so I just got back from a FUCKING AWESOME YEAH vacation visiting Omekin, Cal, White Falcon, and more. And like, I had this great post all planned out about how much fun I had and what all I did. But now my good mood is coming to a screeching halt.
Fuck it's so hot here at home. With no air conditioning, even nights are miserable and I'm trying to find comfort out on the couch with barely more than a rag covering myself because of how unbearably hot it is. Our fans don't help one bit, they just move hot air around. Opening the doors and windows at night don't help either. :,(
Does anyone have any advice as to help keep the house cooled short of buying an air conditioner? I don't think we can really afford one right now however I'm already contemplating buying one anyways with the money I would get from the fennec partial I did because of how unhappy this weather is making me, if anything it would make working on fursuits the rest of the summer that much more bearable.
I went to bed at a little past midnight, and just got up now at 6am. Considering I've normally been sleeping in a lot more naturally recently, this head makes it impossible to get a good nights sleep for me right now. It's really depressing me right now, here I am sitting at my desk and just full of UUGGGGGGGGGGG! ;_;
I'm looking at used air conditioning units right now on craigslist already, does anyone know of a good price for one? Or where it is cheap to get one now? Please.... Any help at all on how to cool this place down would make me so much more relived right now.
Edit; Durp! Looks like we already had a AC unit stored away in the garage! ^^() My bad, thanks for all the advice/help offered though! You guys are awesome.