Feb 12, 2013 21:45
After careful review, after careful decisions, a symbolic end has been arranged. On 29 March 2003, a journal was created; on 29 March 2013 that same journal will end. It came about when the host site was already on the decline, and it puttered along. At one point, a companion journal was devised, meant for particularly pretentious, particularly elusive writing. It was meant a secret, for myself and Gail.
Yes, I have planned a departure from livejournal. I feel it appropriate. Depsite intermittent attempts at revitalisation, it is my sincere belief that this blog must end. As this was thought of some days ago, there has been a faint plan decided upon with scant action. The idea will be to simply start a more serious blog; I want a blog to reflect the identity I have now, I want a blog with a sense of purpose, regularity and action. In line with this, is the idea to have semi-regular postings (2x week?) with writing that is edited and perhaps pre-selected. This is a rough sketch, but the idea would be to update on Sundays and Thursdays; Sundays will be regarding identity and explaining the purpose of the blog. The Thursday update would be a more timely entry, perhaps experimental writing or some political commentary. The new blog is to have structure; the new blog is to formally,fully, maturely address the paradigm that has been in creation in 2010.
Leaving livejournal isn't to abandon myself; periodisation is, as I have often said in this journal over the years, an exercise in values and judgement. It is the imposition of clarity on the amorphous; though it can achieve consensus, to deliniate time is to nail jello. Crude, incongruous and poorly formed analogy. Hopefully, however, the point is clear that though the era of livejournal may have ended prior to the aforementioned 29 March 2013, though the revolution has been in mind much longer, the action is only now.
I am not acting in haste; I am simply acting. It is time, dear friends, to put to rest the teenage years. It is time to embrace my early adulthood, which again, chronologically has been here but only recently has it been manifest.
This could all be in vain; this could all be nothing, or it could be the something that has always been dreamt, it could be the something that is nothing. It could be an end, it could be a beginning; it simply could be.