pursuit of the niche: cultural idioms and mainstream thoughts

Apr 20, 2012 00:00

As my mind continues to work and move toward more sane and stable behaviors, one of the neat things is moving beyond the obsession of listening to maybe 3 songs on loop all day; to do more than just quote and discuss and listen to that same Pink Floyd or Smiths cd. I know I sort of have done similar with Sleater-Kinney and Wild Flag.

As I type this, I am wearing my new Wild Flag shirt. I went to see them for the second time last night. Even if it had an anti-climactic feel, I still enjoyed myself, the opening act, the free apple, the poster, the shirt, the record, etc. I also enjoy that I got to see a friend and that it went so well.

Even though I am in a good spot, I don't want to rest here. There is so much room for growth and development. After years of instability and numbness, I am embracing the fact that I can feel and that life is a pretty darn good gig. One of my struggles, though, is breaking through those limited perspectives. It may sound silly, but I am trying to figure out what it is I like, culturally speaking.

Because I tend to live in a bubble, I tend to forget things like that Wild Flag and Ween arn't "mainstream;" I forget that to many people, "liberal" is a terrible scourge; and one of the deadlist assumptions is that people will automatically empthasise with me.

My basic needs, wants, and desires are very human; I've got to empathsise with others and understand that I'm into some esoteric stuff. Even if Ugly Americans has a Croatian man character, the fact is I am teaching students now that don't know about Croatia and were born during the period that Yugoslavia was falling apart amid civil war. The wars I protested in the early 2000s are an accepted reality; many were in kindergarten when that was going down.

I suppose I'm just continuing to grow up. I've got to avoid the trappings of throwing out cultural references that people don't get. Conversely, I don't have to read Hunger Games or listen to Adele.

Who knows. Maybe my obsessing over this stuff is still part of unhealthy thought processes. I just know that I like the fact that I am varying my music a bit more and that I'm working on reaching out. I'm going to continue to reach out and try to laugh more often.

I want to feel good and I want to make others feel good, too.

2012, 2003, literature, mental obsession, the smiths/morrissey, 1990s, culture, alcoholism, music, wild flag, thursday, april, mental health, teaching, sobriety, 19, yugoslavia, croatia, 2000s, pink floyd, television

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