I'm pretty full of coffee right now. and jittery. Also, I'm pleased that both my netflix are in the mail; I received them both yesterday, and they both went out today. Match Point, which I sent from my parents house, went out at about 11 this morning; the mailman hasn't come by Andrea's house yet, so I don't know when Citizen Ruth will go out, but it should also go out today.
Lately, I have seen the following movies (in no particular order) (with ratings; comment if you'd like specific commentary): (note, all these movies were seen for the first time).
Match Point (A-)
Citizen Ruth (A-)
The Corporation (A-)
Unforgiven (A)
American Splendor (B+)
The China Syndrome (C)
Punch-Drunk Love (B)
An American in Paris (B+)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (A-)
Platoon (B+)
and some other stuff I can't think of.
I have currently seen 91 of the "100 Greatest Movies" according to the AFI list, found here in PDF:
http://http.vitalstreamcdn.com/aficom_vitalstream_com/docs/tvevents/pdf/movies100.pdf I have seen 201 of the "1001 Movies to Watch Before You Die." It's by Steven Jay Schneider, and rather interesting.
Also, my friend Brian Green and myself think about us being like Ebert and the other guy (we don't like him). I get to be Ebert because I'm fat. :D
So people, let's talk movies. Oh, and I've never seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or Fantasia. Damn, I feel like I need some subtitles in my life. Also, some black'n'white. My next netflix adventures:
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Movies I have borrowed from people and need to watch:
Mulholland Dr.
An Affair to Remember
Gosford Park
I think I'm gonna have to start sacricifing sleep to keep my intake up, especially if I'm to get a job. And yes, I did apply to Blockbuster. Ah yes, 2006: The Summer of Movies.
Now, let's talk movies...