i woke up this morning to a loud rumbling sound, the floors trembling, and the windows creaking. it was almost too short, i couldnt decide if i was just dreaming or if it was for real. it was just a baby quake compared to the one we had back home in 1991 (with the epicenter somewhere in baguio). i have memories of me being in a Filipino Club meeting after school when it happened (dont ask me why i joined that thing; and what was the group called?). the massive pillars that held up the HS building structure began to sway like bamboos in the wind. and it lasted forever! the filipino teacher in charge (late 40ish or 50ish, glasses - what was her name?) kept yelling frantically, "dont panic! dont panic! let's pray..." like duh, she wasnt helping anyone calm down! LOL
Even though we have a banana republic, and watching Philippine news stories daily just makes me feel more and more hopeless and depressed for our country, in my heart the Philippines will always be my home. And there's no place like home, baby!