The Day in tweets...
10:14 just woke up. Had a shower, feeling good. Actually getting a fan and a toaster today!! Yay!
# 10:18 the worst of this heat is not over yet.
# 10:29 is not an elite.
# 10:36 looking at all of these wedding photos makes me want to get married.
# 10:49 feeling clucky.
# 12:21 : Summer uniform? Underwear.
# 12:21 had leftovers for lunch. Watching Gossip Girl. Thinking about our fan.
# 14:10 I want to change my hair. I am sick of black. I want red hair again.
# 16:51 How in the hell am I supposed to look good in my ID photo tomorrow when it is this fucking hot?
# 16:52 My La Trobe ID was awesome, and my Monash one will be...not so awesome. Hello, red face, sweaty upper lip and disheveled hair.
# 18:28 I just watched a man fuck a watermelon. Mainly disturbing because he was so into it.
# 19:15 I think I can feel a cool breeze. Oh please let that be a cool breeze.
# 19:15 can't wait for Karl to get home with two new fans and a toaster!!
# 19:48 thinks the heat makes her eat. I have been snacking all day.
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