So, yesterday I had an interview for a tutoring position. The interview was in the Rialto towers on the 27th floor, every one was draped in their business fineries and it was intimidating as all shit. I was not nervous because I had myself convinced that I would not get the job. I trudged up to the 27th floor and met my interviewer. He was a tall guy, hunched over with long scraggily hair that looked a little wind-whipped. He had yellow teeth and when he talked he flicked one of his bottom teeth in and out with his tongue. While "telling him a bit about my self" I mentioned that I was a psychology student and it was still very interesting to me. Well, it just so happens that that is that he was doing his masters in and Freud (my hero) just happens to be his idol. We talked about psychology for about an hour and he rushed through the assigned questions. We laughed a lot and got along well. I guess looks are deceiving.
I woke up this morning to an offer of employment. I am now a tutor. I am a bit iffy on the details but I have to see how it all goes. I am very excited at the prospect of helping and earning. I have a job! For the first time in five years I am employed. It feels awesome.
I was allocated to my last preference for all of my seminars/tutorials at uni but it all still works out quite well thank you very much. I am feeling a little daunted by French at the moment. There is so much work (which is to be expected of learning a language). I have to listen to an audio tutorial each week, read the notes, read the textbook, do the textbook quiz and the assigned quiz and I also should watch the French news on SBS or read French literature just to immerse myself in it all. Gah, I don't know how I am supposed to have the time. Although, I am looking forward to the challenge. Three months of holidays has meant a whole lot of boredom...I have been so bored in fact that I have downloaded the first two seasons of....Dawson's creek...Yes, you heard it right. I loved that show in high-school (when I still believed that you could find a 15 year old guy that looked like Pacey but spoke like Dawson...sigh) and I thought I would revisit my youth. Well, yes. Bring on uni is all that I can say.
I have lost a couple of kilos and many inches in the past two weeks as well, and my legs have toned up nicely from all of the body combat. I'll be sad to miss combat classes when I head back to uni. I love my one hour a day of beating the crap out of the invisible swordsman.