Sorry I havent been posting much.To be honest I really havent had much to post about.So I figured I didnt want to bore you guys with meaningless posts.Not much has been going on.We got our new comp set up..And OMG!!! I have never been on a faster computer in my life.Haha I just hope it stays this way.I have all night shifts this week so that gives me an abundness of free time to do nothing.Haha no really I should really be cleaning my room or the rest of the house.I just feel really lazy though.Yesterday I had really bad cramps and all I wanted to do was lay around and watch movies.Then I had to go to work.Which wasnt really too bad.When I got there it was crazy.But I didnt mind it helped kill the first 2 hours.So the night went by really fast for only working 4 hours.I really dont mind working nights because the night people are really cool.And alot more fun then the morning people.And it seesm like doris (schedule manager) has been scheduling the same people to work around the sametime for the past couple days.But thats good because then you get to know them.The end of december one of our managers passed away and they have been interviewing for people to fill his spot.Well the finally found someone and I got to meet him the other day.And let me tell you hes not much to write home about.I was talking to niki (the cash office girl she gives me the full scoop on everything) And she said that appaerently he hates women and wants to cut their salary in half.And doris told me she was in the office with him and he smelled really bad.So I dont know what to think.But I think Ill just get to know him and find out for myself before I make my own opinion on him.Also my brother is home this week for his spring break.Gahhh I cant stand when he comes home.He thinks the house should be run the way he wants.Last night when I came home I was on the comp.(we dont have speakers yet) And I had my nintendo ds sitting on the speaker shelf.(I was in the kitchen getting something to eat)And I come back in the back room and hes on the comp and is all like "you cant be trashing the new desk off.Get all your crap off of it.And he Threw my ds on the floor.I was soo mad.Yea basically anything thats not his and that is mine he thinks is crap.I wonder what hed say if I started throwing his stuff around.I mean I was minding my own business and he just comes in and starts this stuff.Blah I cant stand it.Ohhh man I really hope he gets an intership this summer.Then I wont have to deal with it.And thats another reason why I want to get a computer in my room so I wont have to deal with that.But Im done ranting.I promise.
In other news I recently bought a ball joint doll.And I dont know she just isnt what I wanted I guess.So I think I am going to sell her.I found the one I want to get.Shes more my style.I dont know I thought I would like the one I bought but when I actually got to hold her and work with her I wasnt inspired or anything.SO Yea Im going to sell her.Here's a pic of the doll that I want to get.
I want one to for the persoanlity to be shy because I have a character that I want to work with.And I think this one fits it better.
Well Im going to get going.Im watching Land Before Time 3.I have never seen it before.I have the original one but thats it.Apparently cartoon network is showing them all today.I loooove these movies their great!Ill have to invest in the other 2.I also have been having a craving for cinnamon buns for some reason.Dont know why so I bought some last night.Hmm should I make them now or wait and make them saturday morning since Im off?Oh well think Ill make them now.Hehe yea Im so lame cant make my mind up whether or not to make cinnamon buns..LOL!!!HAHAHA sorry again.This is what happens when I have too much free time.