I finally saw Avatar in 3-D last night with Trinette and Greg. I was disappointed I didn't get a chance to watch it in California and pay half the cost, but it was a fun experience. And if you pay $16.50 to watch it (and not even IMAX), it's bound to make $1 billion. I knew there'd be a sequel, but it looks like a trilogy is in the works. Blah, blah, blah...I finally joined the cultural phenomenon that is Avatar. It was visually stunning though, so I definitely want to watch the other two.
In more exciting news, I'm going to be in the studio audience for The Daily Show. I can't wait to see Jon Stewart up close. It's the one-year anniversary of Obama's inauguration so it should have some cool guests. I've been listening to Jon Stewart's audiobook in preparation. I get to check off another thing on my list of Stuff I Want to Do Before I Leave New York.
Since I'm taking a day off work, I'm going to take advantage of my free time and catch the Tim Burton exhibit at the MoMA. Restaurant Week is coming up as well. Aside from the snow flurries, it's a great time to be in New York. 30 degrees is whatevs.
Here's a pic of me at Rockefeller Center when Ethan was visiting N.Y. before Christmas: