Title: Choices
Pairing: Amanda/Sarek
Rating: pg
Summary: Done for
fanfic100 . Intent is for TOS era Amanda/Sarek, but could be seen as Reboot.
Re-posted from my old journal.
#086. Choices
Sarek had made his choice and now she made hers. Only a scant few weeks had passed since Spock had left for his plebe year at Starfleet Academy. Just a few scant weeks since he had stood in what had been their family home and Sarek declared him vrekesht, disowned because of that choice. She had waited for Sarek to leave on an ambassadorial mission before she packed. The day after he left, she was leaving on a shuttle back to Earth herself. She could not stay in a house where the mere mention of her son's name was forbidden.
#086. Choices
Sarek had noticed Amanda was distancing herself. He had to make more of an effort to communicate with her through their bond. With her limited telepathic abilities and years of practice with their bond, she was shutting him out and he did not know what to do about it. One morning, although he could still sense her presence, he no longer had access to her thoughts. He made repeated attempts to contact her but would not force himself in their bond, but when he arrived home and found their home empty, he realized she had chosen their son over him.