Worst weekend ever

May 28, 2007 21:56

This has been the worst weekend of my entire life.  I basically did nothing, which to some of you may sound like heaven, but really it wasn't anywhere near heaven.

I ate myself into a sort of drug induced type of tranz.  I couldn't find anything to watch on TV, finally TBS saved me when I came upon a Monk marathon.  I must have watched atleast 8 episodes back to back while walking back and forth to my computer to see if anything interesting was going on, on IM.  Ofcourse everyone was out and about living life while I was sitting here doing nothing.

Speaking of Monk, can anyone tell me what happened to Sherona?  The new girl is ok, but I liked Sherona.  Really I want to know.

My other saving network was the discovery of BBC America.  I love that channel, really interesting programs.
I have a new favorite show!!!!  I thought after BTVS I would never like a show as much, but I came across HEX.
It's like Buffy but with more of an edge.  I watched 8 epsisodes (loving Marathons) and can't wait for next Saturday when they will be having another ep.

They also have new show coming in August called "Jekyll".  Seems like it will be good.

How depressing my life is that I have to rely on TV to keep me occupied. :)

Anyone else watch Hex?
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