dear yuletide author

Nov 16, 2011 19:27

Dear Yuletide Author,

First, I want to say thank you for participating! I am excited to see what you come up with! My list of likes is WAY longer than my list of dislikes, so I hope you find something in here that you would like as much as I would love to read.

Before I get into the nitty-gritty of the things I’d like to see in a fandom sense, I’ll tell you a little bit about the kind of fic I like to read in general. I am a pervert of the highest order, so I am a-okay if you want to write porn! This is more than okay. However, my favourite fics tend to be heavy on playful, witty banter; silly humour; and schmoop/fluff. I am absolutely weak to the cute© in fic and nothing is too tooth-achingly sweet for me to handle.

On the flipside, I enjoy darker-themed and action-themed fics as well. I am open to just about any trope you would want to play with, except for non-consensual scenes and death fic. These are things I avoid like the plague.

Now, on to the fandoms! :D

Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist
This is the fandom I seek fic for the most right now. I am a Rin/Yukio shipper, but I am perfectly okay with gen fic with the two of them, or romance between any combination of Rin, Yukio, and Shiemi. I would love to see a fic about Shiemi’s thoughts on the brothers, Rin and Yukio celebrating their birthday, or if you are so inclined to go the kinky route, crossdressing.

For the most part, though, I will be happy with whatever you come up with for these characters! They are my favourites and therefore nothing can be bad. :D

Doctrine of Labryinths
I fell in love with this series as soon as I started it. It is near and dear to my heart and is a series I recommend every time I get a chance. Having said that, I would love to see a fic where Felix spends time exploring magic theory. I am not concerned with the type of magic, just that he is interested in knowing more about it. If that’s not your cup of tea, I also would like to see happy interactions between Felix and Mildmay, perhaps gift-giving since we are in the holiday spirit here, after all.

Boondock Saints
I believe the movies hinted rather heavily at the fact that Connor and Murphy take care of each other really well. I’d like to see a fic where this is explored - doesn’t matter if it is gen or slash, both are welcome - and feature these boys relying on each other or patching each other up.

If you are interested in my fic to see what I like, it is here. My journal is friends-locked, but if you want are stumped and want to snoop, I will open my journal to you (I know this defeats the purpose of anonymity but that’s what sock accounts are for :D).

yuletide, challenges, fandom

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