Political Issues

Mar 14, 2005 16:16

Let me just say this now. I am not, and never have been, a politically minded person. I hate politics and have never been a registered voter. I feel that I don't know enough about the issues to make an informed decision. If I were to bother to know the issues at hand, I would vote. Otherwise, I've chosen to support the current president since I didn't put myself out there to choose. For those who don't vote and complain about the presidency, they have no right to complain. If they didn't want that person to win, they should've voted and at least *tried* to make some sort of effort despite what their state's majority is. I mean, hey.. it actually just might make a difference. If not, at least they put their 2 cents (or more) in.

Yeah.. Uh, that wasn't what I was going to mention in this, but I figured I'd make that known first and foremost. That's usually as political as I get. Except in this case. I came across a news thread that talked about a CA judge who allowed same-sex marriage. Something to that effect anyway. Another note: I have nothing against homosexuals. I'm friends with a good number and have grown up with them. End note.

So it seems this judge decided to allow it or something. Interesting. Back in 2000 they introduced Proposition 22 to the ballot which considered marriage a union between a man and a woman. Banning same-sex marriages. If I remember correctly, that passed and has been upheld these last 5 years. Not without problems, but it still stood. (And holy crap.. during that time it raised all sorts of commotion. That's how things are sometimes.) So here's a proposition that the majority of CA wanted upheld. Yet this court decides to overrule it despite the fact that the majority ruled. No, I didn't forget the whole "majority rules, minority rights" deal. I'm just throwing this out there for others to consider.

This doesn't bother me so much that it's the same-sex marriage. My opinion on that is still undecided because I don't care enough. (Sorry, but it's true.) My issue is that the voice of the people can say one thing and the courts can basically say "Oh, well, screw you guys -- we're going to do what we want anyway." It makes me kinda worried about the future. I wonder what other kind of things the people will say they want and the courts still decide against it. Hmm. Interesting, no? As I said, this is nothing against homosexuals. It is against the court system.

The Utah midwifery bill also comes to mind in this situation as well. That's a different subject though..

Ah well. I figured this was noteworthy enough to throw out there and have others research and make their own opinions on it. Food for thought.
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