Sep 02, 2005 13:51
Holy bloody buttfuck.
In less than a week, I am leading two drill sessions of Japanese 101. Me. Teaching. Responsibilty. Teaching!
Bloody hell und butt fuck!
In other words, es gehts mir gut (It´s going well.) My classes are amazing, all of them. French I have minor annoyances with because we never seem to learn anything concrete, but we´re getting wonderful pronunciation practice (for the moment) which I´m fine with, as I can learn most vocabulary on my own and I´ve ordered a book to better explain French grammar. German is just always amusing. I feel as though I´ve learned concrete things in that class. Astronomy just blows my mind with it´s coolness. We looked at classical astronomy and ran through history up until the Middle Ages. How cool is that?
As for the afternoon classes, Linguistics goes wonderfully. Really, if you stick about 18 CLL majors or TESOL minors (or Japanese Studies majors) and tell them to talk about languages, you get some amazing conversations. Teaching Japanese is well, I´ve only had one class, but it´ll be good, I think. And Topics is just intense as usual.
Still waiting to hear about work study. Had two interviews yesterday (one for security, which I´d rather not do, and one for SLCDC, which I would) and I expect to hear something about HelpDesk position soon. I hope.
Anyway, I go away now
(Bloody fuck! Wednesday!)