Dec 01, 2007 02:49
Holy shit. I finished my first novel. This is totally awesome. I'm totally pumped.
In terms of the actual contest, I only have about 78,000 when midnight came around and finished the rest in the next couple hours. I so don't care, though. This was all about the end product, not about the actual rules. I HAVE A NOVEL. ONE THAT I WROTE. EEEEHHHHEEEEEEEEEEE.
Funny story, though, I actually ended up writing the Prologue last. Like...right after writing the Epilogue. That was a little bit anti climatic, but it came out amusingly, so I'm good with that.
Wow, it feels kind of weird. Usually I spend so long with characters before finding anything close to a finished product, so this feels kind of like a one nighter. But it turned out for the better, I think. It's rare you get to continuously keep going for so long.
Anyway, now I'm on to the long and mindboggling process of editing. Some of this story is going to need it hardcore, too, I can tell already. That last chapter before the epilogue? It was totally like "walskhg;dfhgladfjglf". Hopefully I can make sense of it the second go around.
Buuut before I can do any of that I really need a time out.
In unrelated news, I quit my job. Hopefully my new job will be better.
Unfortunately, I still have to work a shift at my old job tomorrow. D'OOOOOH.
Awkward o'clock, here we come.