Propositions part two

Oct 28, 2008 16:40

Ok, I know I'm going to be going out of order on these. Just bear with me. I haven't read all of them yet, so you're getting the ones I have.

Proposition 8- Do I even have to explain why I'm voting no? They keep trying to tell me that this country is all for equality. Sure it is, unless you happen to be gay.

A co-worker tried to argue with me why he was voting yes. I got so annoyed with him I stopped trying to get him to see reason. He kept saying things like "If you don't stand up for something you'll fall for everything" and "If we legalize gay marriage what's next? Siblings wanting to get married? How about the guy who's had his dog for 8 years and wants to marry it?". I couldn't even think at the time to remind him that this wasn't to legalize gay marriage, or that it stated that legally marriage would only be recognized between a man and woman which meant that siblings could still marry as long as it was brother and sister.

Enough about that one. The one I'm really talking about in this post is..

Proposition 4 is the one that requires a parent to be notified if a minor is seeking an abortion.

I realize that there are a lot of parents, and probably a few "aunts" and "uncles" on my f-list. And I realize that at first glance this seems like a really good thing. However, I want you to think for a minute what it was like to be a teen. Most of us were smart enough to not get into a position like this. But I'm sure there was always situation that you felt you could not talk to your parents about.

I'm going to tell you right now why I'm voting no. This proposition creates health risks. So many teenage girls in situations like this already feel that they can't talk to their parents. By requiring notification more teens are going to feel that their only option is to find another alternative instead of the doctor. Also, more teens are going to wait until later in the pregnancy to get it done which causes more health risks.

Statistics say that the abortion rates go down in states that require parental notification. Sure, rates go down on the number of reported abortions, but illegal abortions aren't reported. Illegal abortions are a health risk since there is usually no follow up, no way to get ahold of the person if there are side-effects. That's assuming the kid didn't do something stupid. Take for instance the girl who had her 16 year old boyfriend beat her with a baseball bat so she wouldn't have to go to her parents.

The only good thing about this proposition is that by making parental notification required you are eliminated all the girls who's over 18 boyfriends urge them to get an abortion so they don't get in trouble for having sex with a minor. The health risks still out weigh that.

And yes, I realize that there are clauses that state a minor can go through the court instead. However, the judge can only allow it in cases where there is a strong suggestion of abuse. And most minors won't go this route. Instead, they'll learn that their parents have to be notified and go find another way.

Please people, think of the health of whatever teenage girl you know, and vote no.

equality, abortion, gay rights, marriage, teens, health, election

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