Nov 23, 2005 08:41
oh man, the winter coat came out this morning. how did winter come so fast. all of the sudden all of the ground is fluffy and white and the side walks are ice and im sliding everywhere. the worst part about winter is that you cant walk fast because you risk falling on your butt and cracking your head open. the other worst part is when you walk outside and your nose hairs freeze...i know u know what im talking about. and your whole face freezes up and it feels like youre getting frost bite over and over, oh man. now i remember why people kept telling me im gonna want to get a bus pass in the winter. i agree. but im waiting till january.
i bet its like 80 degrees in savannah. i need to go home.
today=my long day. ive been slacking off hard core this week with all my religion classes cancelled so far. i have this crazy quiz tomorrow and i cant bring myself to study for it. every time i open my book all i wanna do is sleep. but then i lay down and my mind is so crazy. usually i have no problem falling asleep. i guess its just that time of the semester, crazyness.
i cant wait for the week to be over. i cant wait for friday to come. not that anything exciting is happening, just more time spent typing up papers. but i can chill in the comfort of my cozy room, which was freezing last night because nikola turned the heat off. listen asshole its like -15 outside, please turn our heat back on.
anyways, its like even 9am yet and here i am. i better get to work. g'day.