Short summary: The drama is based on the popular manga of the same name by Nakajo Hisaya, which has already been dramatized in Taiwan. Horikita plays the protagonist Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl in the U.S. who one day sees the young athlete Sano Izumi (Oguri) compete in the high jump on television. She begins to idolize him, and decides to move to Japan to attend the same school as him. However, Izumi goes to an all-boys school, so Mizuki disguises herself as a boy to achieve her dream of being with her idol.
My rating: My favorite drama at the moment! What's not to love about a drama that opens with the words "This drama is fictional, please pardon the foolishness" written in smoketext across a blue sky. There is some romance in it but it is only one strand in a weave about friendship, rivaling dorms, competition in talent, dance, song, sports and more. The comedy factor is high and Mizuki faces far more than blending in as a boy. Did I mention the school only accepts pretty boys (a bunch of very "unique" individuals)? And did I mention the male, gay nurse?
here Hardsubbed files are out about a week after the raw has been uploaded. Within a few days a temporary, and not entirely correct sub-file is out. (Usually it is mostly a few grammar and spelling mistakes which doesn't distract me much).
here Episode 11 out of 12 was uploaded yesterday, hardsubs up till ep 10.