I can't help but feel that anyone who watches this already agrees with him. If they don't, I'm wondering if they're just gonna see the guy that directed the Avengers making a Zomneypocalypse sound kind of cool.
Regardless of what I think of some of his writing, I always get a kick out of him speaking about his personal views, especially on politics, because he does it in such an engaging way. I'd just really like for there not to be Romneypocalypse, you know?
Well yeah. That makes...a lot of us. I'm scared to death on a personal level of what will happen if that SOB wins. I really enjoy having personal autonomy over my ladybits for one thing, and also I have a disabled husband who is on social security and Medicare.
Obviously my fears are jack squat to yours considering you'd have to live in the Zomney Wasteland, though there would be some definite kick back on this side of the Atlantic. I try to take comfort in the fact that only three incumbents have failed to secure a second term since WWII, but then I get worried again because Romney has such a poor hand and the Democrats are still somehow being jockied by this guy. His name is Mitt for christsakes.
I feel like that sums up politics in America pretty damn well.
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