Oct 26, 2012 11:49
As previously mentioned, there's not a lot of fannish stuff going on my life or my LJ these days. This might change, might not. But I've been on LJ since mumblemumble, so I'm not going anywhere. I will continue to use it for blogging about life, the universe and whatever, and most importantly, to keep up with the people I care about.
I back everything up on DW just in case LJ becomes completely unusable one day, but my DW account is completely locked.
I will never tweet bc I am incapable of expressing myself in less than ten thousand words.
Tumblr is not for me, bc again, it's mostly fannish and I am not. I also have zero interest in arguing about politics using gifs.
Since my primary creative outlet these days is art/crafting, I have re-joined Pinterest with a new name. I've also instituted the following: I disabled commments. I do not follow people back. I do not engage in conversation with people I do not know, especially uber-Christians who seem to make up like, 80% of Pinterest. I frequent only the following topic boards: DIY, Home Decor, Tattoos, Food/Drink, and Women's Fashion. However, if any of you guys have a Pinterest account, I will happily follow you if I already know you from fandom. Just leave me a note here and I will let you know my sooper sekrit Pinterest name.
Before the end of the year, I'll be moving Ficbitch to a way cheaper domain, where it will live untouched happily ever after.
If I find myself writing fic again, I will post it here and to AO3.
It's always defriending amnesty day.
I'm really not going anywhere, but I'm also not following fandom whither it goes at the moment. So if any of you ever need to get a hold of me, my PM's here still go to my primary email.
kita in 3d,
because fandom will eat your face,
links to the outside world,
go home pinterest