Hospitality by Fallen_Woman. Pete/Trudy/Don. Rated R.
I wish this hadn't been posted on Thanksgiving, because it deserves a much wider audience than it is going to get.
She swallowed, dipped a finger to the back of his wet hand, where the wedding band would be. “When I married my husband, my mother took me aside and asked me, ‘Does he love you a little more than you love him?’ I said no. Even then, I knew.”
Talking like this, she looked beautiful. Don stroked a curl of her hair. He knew where this was going, could already taste her perfume and sweat.
“Then, she asked, ‘Does he need you more than you need him?’ I said yes. And my mother said, ‘you might not have a happy marriage, but you will have a successful one.’”
*Successful*. His heart contracted so hard he couldn’t meet her eyes, just stared down at the gold brocade of her little party dress, her little seduction dress. She bent her head to his, curls falling into his face. “Please, Don. I love him.”